Use the form below to register your copy of WSTBar. REGISTRATION FORM for WSTBar Internet ToolBar -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM # COPIES AMOUNT WSTBar? ($10 per copy) _________ _______ DISK HANDLING FEE ($2) _______ Add this if you want the latest copy of WSTBar on disk. Specify Size (3.5 only) ___ 1.44MB ___ 720 KB TOTAL _______ PAYMENT BY: Check/Money Order Number:__________ enclosed for $_____ Name _____________________________________ Company _____________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City _____________________________________ State _____________________________________ Zip _____________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ EMail _____________________________________ Send this form to: Joel A. Gerber 71 Stonyridge Court Powell, OH 43065 E-Mail : Web Home Page: